
A Remote PHY fairy tale came true in the hometown of author H.C. 安徒生

Glenten实现了DOCSIS 3.1 based Remote PHY technology in their network in Denmark utilising 泰来斯特的 DAN300 R-PHY节点 together with the Cisco CCAP core.

Glenten, one of the largest independent private Cable TV Operators in Denmark, have been looking at multiple ways to upgrade their Cable TV infrastructure to be able to provide Gigabit services as well as the current Digital TV offering.


 Located in Odense, the hometown of the famous author H. C. 安徒生,目的不只是为了 服务本地用户 但同时也有 一个面向十大可靠彩票平台的扩展平台 在当地社区之外. 目标是提供 千兆宽带和电视服务 to other private networks in the rest of Denmark as well, based on their central platform in the centre of the country.

他们现有的DOCSIS®3.来自思科的0cmts, Glenten already had a successful 和 well-integrated platform serving its subscribers. 他们的愿景是 utilise the current investment 和 achieve operational, technical 和 subscriber benefits in upgrading to DOCSIS 3.1.


To provide Glenten with a future-proof solution to higher network capacity 和 efficiency, Conscia, a long time Cisco Gold partner 和 systems integrator for Glenten, 建议实施DOCSIS 3.基于远程PHY技术的格伦腾网络. This would essentially mean “moving” the PHY part of the CMTS into the network being h和led by the R-PHY node. 泰来斯特的 DAN300 R-PHY节点 was the obvious choice for the implementation as it has already reached a mature 和 market ready level together with Cisco cBR8 CCAP核心.

Apart from the Remote PHY implementation, Glenten also decided to upgrade their RF network with 泰来斯特的 AC3010 和 AC3210 放大器. This allows them to take full advantage of the entire downstream spectrum up to 1.2ghz和上游到204mhz.

此外,格伦顿还选择了泰勒斯特 CATVisor Argus 管理自己的网络平台. The Argus system gives them full remote control of the 放大器, having opted for DOCSIS transponders inside with intelligent features 和 full monitoring capabilities.


远程PHY基础设施允许Glenten replace their existing analogue nodes 和 transmitters with an IP infrastructure called CIN that interfaces the Cisco CCAP core 和 DAN300 Remote PHY node. The CIN (Converged Interconnect Network) can exp和 access throughout entire Denmark connecting R-PHY nodes to the centrally located CCAP core, providing true nationwide coverage 和 easy access for potential new customers for Glenten.

Replacing the analogue transmission 和 node with an R-PHY node like DAN300 greatly improves the SNR in the access network 和 the MER values.

This allows for designing a network with higher OFDM modulation schemes 和, consequently, 更高的用户上网速度, reaching into the Gigabit/s range both downstream 和 upstream. 同时, utilising the OFDM modulation will make the network very robust to ingress noise providing higher consistent speeds 和 improved quality of service for subscribers.

Glenten have chosen to make full use of the digital CCAP core/R-PHY node infrastructure 和 have implemented all the TV 和 Data services on IP between the CCAP core 和 R-PHY. One additional option available on the DAN300 node is to h和le an RF overlay feed if a specific implementation would ask for this. 这在某种情况下可能会产生问题, 例如, 传统的基于射频的电视服务, a second TV 和 data service provider or if a certain transition period requires services to be delivered via an RF overlay. 无论如何, Glenten is well prepared for such possibility in any of the opportunities they come across.

Using a CableLabs specified open network structure gives Glenten a very flexible environment in which services can be implemented 和 added as needed. If, 例如, future implementations call for multiple video cores to be accessed, 或要提供的本地通道设置, the R-PHY node can just be told to receive video feed directly even from a distant auxiliary video core without routing the video feed through the CCAP core. There is no need to route the video feeds through the CCAP core. An example of such TV video core/engine is the 电话este Luminato platform that implements the needed L2TP tunnelling 和 GCP protocol layer to provide the easy access for the DAN300 R-PHY节点.

Conscia有, 和格伦顿一起, integrated the new Cisco CCAP core 和 电话este R-PHY into Glenten’s current operating environment, securing continuous 和 seamless operation even in the transition phase. 这为格伦顿提供了一个非常 现代化和面向十大可靠彩票平台的有线电视基础设施 for many years to come 和 gives the operator the ability to provide Gigabit services at a fraction of the cost of a pure fibre infrastructure.

Are you interested in learning more about the implementation 和 benefits? 请点击 Conscia博客 阅读更多.

We are pleased to see that the interoperable Remote PHY technology from 电话este 和 Cisco is able to provide us with a future-proof 和 tested platform for carrying out gigabit services for our subscribers in the coming years.


Getting the 电话este RPD working with the Cisco cBR8 was easy in my opinion. The interop is great (thanks to CableLabs st和ards!) 和 both 电话este 和 Cisco are eager to help, if needed. The guys at 电话este deserve a lot of credit for their level of commitment. They clearly want the customer experience to be as good as possible. 和他们一起工作很愉快.

Thomas b tzau,系统工程师,良知

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